Od 08.09-10.09.2023. godine održana je pripremna poseta u sklopu projekta “Preduzetnički način razmišljanja za mlade” na Ohridu.

💡Projekat realizuje Urban Stream u partnerstvu sa organizacijama @ask_asocijacija @walktogether_bulgaria i @eurosud_ngo uz podršku Evropske Unije kroz Erasmus+ program.

✅️AN ENTRPRENEURIAL MINDSET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE is project that has been performed by the Urban Stream Serbia in partnership with

Asocijacija na sovetnici za razvoj na kariera ASK Skopje, SDRUZHENIE WALK TOGETHER Bulgaria and EURO SUD Italy.

👇The main goals of this project are to strengthen the knowledge of youth workers in the areas of entrepreneurship, career building, as well as social transferable transversal skills of young people;

To adopt the skills of communication, conflict resolution, problem solving, design thinking, public speaking, presentation, teamwork, leadership skills. To adopt new models of work with young

people through the exchange of experience and good practices of all project participants;

To adopt ways of using useful tools in youth work and work with young people, which youth workers can use in to their future work, as well as to pass it on to other youth workers in their

organizations and local communities, and beyond.

➡️Topics of the project are Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education, Key competences development and Youth employability.

🇪🇺The project is being co-funded by the European Union trough Erasmus+ program ond NA Fondacija Tempus

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